Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A gift from God

Friendship is a gift, an amazing gift, 
we never want to take for granted.                        

As a young woman, are you finding out that life really is all about our relationships? People are everywhere. They’re in your family, at school, at church, at work, at the mall, at restaurants, and in your neighborhood. When our heavenly Father made us, He intended for us to relate to others. First, we are to love God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength. Second, we are to love our family, friends, and neighbors as we love ourselves. When, we spend time with the Lord (in His Word, worshiping Him, praying and being taught in a good church), we understand more and more how much He loves us. Having that relationship with God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ is going to absolutely benefit every other relationship in our lives. 

When we realize how much God loves us, we can love ourselves and be kind of friend He wants us to be. I need to explain something. We are called to love everyone. We can’t do that without the LOVE of God in our hearts. I don’t want to look down on others. I don’t want to be a self-righteous hypocrite. Do you? I didn’t think so! Be the girl who rescues others. Be a lifeline, help the mean girls and don’t ever give up on anyone. The first step is to pray for people. When we find ourselves being critical of people, we need to stop and think, I wonder if that person has ever had anyone pray for them. Let’s do it. Our heart will be changed, and so will theirs.


  1. That is so true, debbie. I don't know you personally, but i've stumbled upon your blog ages ago through a mutual friend and I reckon you write the most genuine and real posts about the greatest gift of all, God's infinite love for us.

    Thank you for this post, I really needed to think from another perspective and not be selfish and be the girl who rescues other, no matter how mean anyone else can become. So thank you, for writing beautifully :) May God bless you abundantly and may his grace and power be upon you.

    And no matter what we do, before we execute our actions.. it's always healthy to think.. WWJD? (What would Jesus Do?) :)

    Have an awesome week ahead Debbie! :)

    Love, Anon.

  2. Hello Anon.

    Thank you so much for your note of encouragement! I'm really encourage, just by reading this note.
    Thank yeww.

    May God continue to bless you and may you be more like him both physically and spiritually.

    Merry merry early blessed Christmas to you.

    Have a joyous and memorable day ahead of you.



Thank you so much for your encouragement! ^^