Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Angelyn's suprise party.

The birthday girl.
 Happy birthday, Angelynnn.<3

Her surprise party was two weeks ago. It was at the pool side. :)  It was a barbecue surprise party! HEHE. Dawn and Maelodee was fasting on meat like a all meat fast for 40 Days. So they, ate vegetables. Maelodee wanted to eat the pizza but she could not, so she peeled the crush and gave away the meaty part to Esther. She is so funny. LOL!

Angelyn is a very nice girl. Someone who loves God very much. & someone that never fails to cheer you up. :) She has been a wonderful friend and blessing to me. I really enjoy being around her. She makes me smile and laugh when I'm around her. I got to know her better through Bright Lights. A friend that is so cheerful and a pro at piano. I thank God for her. I love her and I thank God for meeting such a wonderful friend like her!


  1. Hey Debbie!
    Thanks for coming for the party!! Wish we had more time to catch up, but ((oh well)) it was so good to see you all again! :D

  2. Hey Christine!
    You're most welcome. We enjoyed ourself. :) And I hope to see you in the ATI conference.


Thank you so much for your encouragement! ^^