Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy belated birthday, Malaysia!!

I love you, Malaysia!!


I would like to say, I am proud to be a Malaysian! <3 Malaysia is not perfect but I'm grateful that God place me in this country. I believe that God place me in this country for a reason. I really want to make a difference in this country though it is not easy, but I will try to be till the end. I may give up at times but I believe that God will help me. AMEN.

Sometimes or most of the time, I make so much noise about how Malaysia is not good. But I learn that as I focus on the bad side of my country, ill never have time to focus on the good side of it. As, I learn how to be grateful. I realize that my country is so beautiful. I love my national flower. I love the fruits that only Malaysia have. I love the food, that's for sure.  :) I love Malaysian. I love the different cultures.I thank God for the LRT! There are so many things to be grateful for!!

Dear God,

Please forgive me for being so ungrateful and judgmental towards my own country. I love Malaysia and I wanna thank, you for placing me in this country. I love my church and my friends too. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful family that loves You. Amen.

Happy birthday Malaysia!


  1. I´m portuguese and I will love to visit Malasya!
    congratulations for your blog!

  2. Hello Rodrigo! I would love to visit your country one day too! Thank yeewwww. :))


Thank you so much for your encouragement! ^^